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2010/09/03 - 20:00

Concerts 2010 Lausanne cathedral : Giampaolo di Rosa, french itinerary

Cathédrale de Lausanne (Switzerland)

Beyond french composers as Lebègue, Franck, Widor, Vierne, Roth, Giampaolo di Rosa plays "La Cinquième Trompette" (5 Meditations on the Apocalypse) by Jean LANGLAIS

2010/09/18 - 20:30

Festival Contrepoint 62 : Concert organ and piano (Thierry Escaich, organ and Jonas Vitaud, piano)

Saint-Omer Cathedral (France)

Thierry Escaich and Jonas Vitaud play works by Liszt, Franck, Widor, Dutilleux and Jean LANGLAIS "Diptyque" for piano et organ.
