2019/05/04 - 16:00
"Jeux d'orgue en miroirs", récital d'orgue Marie-Agnès Grall-Menet
Protestant church, Oratoire du Louvre, Paris (France)
In her program "Jeux d'orgue en miroirs", Marie-Agnès Grall-Menet plays organ works by Bach, Schumann, Hakim (especially" Hommage à Jean Langlais") and, by Jean LANGLAIS, "Prélude et fugue" dedicated to Marie-Agnès Grall-Menet.
2019/05/08 - 16:00
Trumpet and organ recital, Jean-Luc Perrot, organ and Matthieu Reinert, trumpet
Church Sainte-Catherine, Distroff (France)
Jean-Luc Perrot, organ and Matthieu Reinert, trumpet, play a program of works by Haendel, Morandi, Mozart, Donizetti,
Perrot, and 2 from the "7 Chorals pour trompette et orgue" by Jean LANGLAIS.
2019/05/10 - 20:30
Concert trumpet and organ, David Picard, trumpet, Sylvie Mallet, organ
Saint Taurin Church, Evreux (France)
David Picard, trumpet and Sylvie Mallet, organ, play works by Purcell, Kerll, Marcello, Bach, Clarke, Mendelssohn,and, by Jean LANGLAIS, n° 1, 2, 3, 8 from "9 Pièces pour trompette et orgue"and "Pour une Sainte de légende" (24 Pièces pour harmonium ou orgue).
2019/05/12 - 09:30
High Mass, St John's College Chapel Choirs, dir. Graham Walker, Hugh Crook et Shanna Hart, organists
St John's College Chapel, Cambridge (GB)
During the High Mass at St John's College Chapel, Cambridge, St. John's College Chapel Choirs conducted by Graham Walker with Hugh Crook and Shanna Hart, organs, sing Jean LANGLAIS' Messe Solennelle.
2019/05/12 - 15:30
Orchestre des Jeunes de Haute-Bretagne, dir. Gaëtan Manchon, with Agathe Le Gac et Arthur Lecomte, trumpet, with Pascal Tuffery, organ
Church St Martin, Rennes (France)
L'orchestre des Jeunes de Haute-Bretagne, conducted by Gaëtan Manchon performs works by Debussy, Offenbach, Enesco, Kodaly, Cosma. Agathe Legac and Arthur Lecomte, with organist Pascal Tuffery play n°1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 from Jean LANGLAIS' 9 Pieces for trumpet and organ.
2019/05/17 - 12:30
"Les Kanisius", Association des Amis de l'Orgue du Collège St Michel, Organ recital by Elizaveta Lobanova
Collège St Michel, Chapelle St Ignace, Fribourg (Suisse)
Elizaveta Lobanova plays and explains Jean LANGLAIS' Hommage à Frescobaldi (Prélude au Kyrie - Offertoire - Elevation - Communion - Fantaisie - Antienne - Thème et variations - Epilogue pour pédale solo).
2019/05/26 - 14:00
"Ensemble classique a piacere" conducted by Catherine-Elisabeth Loiselle. Organ:: Dominique Gagnon (Canada)
Church St Mathieu de Ste Foix, Québec (Canada)
L''Ensemble classique a piacere" conducted by Catherine-Elisabeth Loiselle presents 4 vocal masses by Gounod, Chaminade, Létourneau, and, by Jean LANGLAIS, the "Mass in Ancient Style" (Kyrie-Gloria-Sanctus-Benedictus-Agnus Dei) for SATB and organ (1952).
2019/05/30 - 15:30
"Organo con stromenti", concert Organ and Klavier, Jeremy Joseph, organ, and Gottlieb Wallein, piano.
Konzerthaus Berlin Grosser Saal, Berlin (Germany)
Works by JS Bach along with music especially composed for piano and organ (or harmonium) with works by Franck, Dupré, and Jean LANGLAIS "Diptyque" in 2 parts by Jeremy Joseph, organ, and Gottlieb Wallisch, piano.