Gloriae Dei Cantores, directed by Elizabeth C. PATTERSON
Great Homage to Jean LANGLAIS with this set of 2 Cds featuring, under the direction of Elizabeth C.PATTERSON,the internationally acclaimed choir of "Gloriae Dei Cantores", Brass Quintett GABRIEL V., organists James JORDAN, David CHALMERS, Sharon PFEIFFER, soprano Kathryn SHANNON, cantor Richard CRAGG, in various works for choirs, organ, brasses from Jean LANGLAIS as varied as Messe Solennelle, Mass in Ancient Style, Mass "Grant us Thy Peace", Solemn Psalm n°1, Ceremony for brasses, Pastorale et rondo (2trp and organ), motets "Venite et audite", Tantum ergo, Ubi caritas, Caritas Christi, Three Short Anthems, and organ solo pieces (Fete, Ave Maria, ave Maris stella, Chant de paix).
Recorded febr. and April 2007 at The Church of the Transfiguration, Orleans MA.